========================================================================= INFO-ATARI16 Digest Tue, 30 Jan 90 Volume 90 : Issue 124 Today's Topics: $50,000 what a stupid idea!! :Programmers at CWRU Chaos Strikes Back - Call for experienced people Experiences with ST-speed ? Hisoft's WERCS INFO-ATARI16 Digest V90 #103 INFO-ATARI16 Digest V90 #119 Metacomco, Lattice C and Cambridge LISP. Need Hard Disk Wisdom POOLFIX3.ARC - fix program for TOS 1.4, TOS 1.6 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Tue, 30 Jan 90 13:05 EST From: V053QHYX@ubvmsc.cc.buffalo.edu Subject: $50,000 what a stupid idea!! Hi!!!! I just heard about atari's new policy..you (the store) pays 50,000 and atari sends you whatever they want!!!???!!!Here in buffalo we went from 4 ST dealers about 2 months ago to 1 this month!!!!!THey say that they refuse to pay 50,000 to get as atari calls it the "Priveledge" to sell atari!!???! What kind of stupid policy is this???? Its getting to the point where atari should pay dealers to sell their equipment!!!Not have dealers pay them!! I dont mean to say I hate Atari...I love my St but I think that the marketing and management people at Atari are the ones that should go to school and learn sales and marketing!! Jeremy Berger -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Department Managment----------------------?MIS MAJOR CS MINOR University At Buffalo ------------------------------ Date: 29 Jan 90 22:07:58 GMT From: snorkelwacker!usc!samsung!aplcen!jhunix!rick@bloom-beacon.mit.edu (Eric Ruck) Subject: :Programmers at CWRU Message-ID: <4063@jhunix.HCF.JHU.EDU> I know this is off the subject of this SIG, but I also know that there are Atarians who fit the following bill, and/or who know people who fit it: A professor of the psych department at CWRU needs a C programmer to create programs to run cognitive experiments on the IBM PC. Don't respond to me but to MSTRAUSS AT CWRU. Eric ------------------------------ Date: 30 Jan 90 14:39:07 GMT From: xanth!xanth.cs.odu.edu!scott@g.ms.uky.edu (Scott Yelich) Subject: Chaos Strikes Back - Call for experienced people Message-ID: In article <733.25c41cd6@miavx1.acs.muohio.edu> tmwhitehead@miavx1.acs.muohio.edu writes: > I got the maps from a local BBS about a week ago. They are in Degas format. > If you are interested and can;t find them locally, send me mail, and I will > send them to you direct. The problem with the maps I have seen is that they are in .pi2 format. Printing them with picswitch or degaselite produces something that is a little un-readable! Scott -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Scott D. Yelich scott@cs.odu.edu [] After he pushed me off the cliff, he asked me, as I fell, ``Why'd you jump?'' ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------ Date: 30 Jan 90 15:30:56 GMT From: mcsun!hp4nl!tnoibbc!remco@uunet.uu.net (Remco Bruyne) Subject: Experiences with ST-speed ? Message-ID: <1381@tnoibbc.UUCP> Hello, Does anybody have any experience with ST-speed ? Preferably in a Mega 2. Which programs do run and which don't. Is it fast ? No problems with the graphics interface ? Can you use the mouse and if yes, with which packages ? Did you try extended memory (should work in the newest version) ? Please respond via mail, if there is enough interest I'll summarize. Thanks in advance, Remco -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Remco Bruijne USENET: remco@tnoibbc.ibbc.tno.nl PHONE: +31 15 606437 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------ Date: 30 Jan 90 15:31:13 GMT From: uwm.edu!cs.utexas.edu!asuvax!hrc!force!covertr@lll-winken.llnl.gov (Richard E. Covert) Subject: Hisoft's WERCS Message-ID: <48588c7a.14a1f@force.UUCP> In article <570055@otter.hpl.hp.com>, gjh@otter.hpl.hp.com (Graham Higgins) writes: > (Apologies for posting this reply, my email was bounced) > > > I'll pass your request on to HiSoft. They don't have a usenet feed (multi > dinero, they are most regretful about it), but they do have a section on CIX > (U.K. version of BIX) and are quite responsive to such requests. > > Graham > ====== > > ------------------------------------------------------------------ > Graham Higgins | Phone: (0272) 799910 x 24060 > Hewlett-Packard Labs | gray@hpl.hp.co.uk > Bristol | gray%hplb.uucp@ukc.ac.uk > U.K. | gray@hplb.hpl.hp.com > ------------------------------------------------------------------ > Disclaimer: My opinions above are exactly that, mine and opinions. > ------------------------------------------------------------------ Thanks, a lot!! I appreciate your efforts. I can send you a copy of my RSC/HRD files which keep getting corrupted. Can you post a MAIL address (international mail or someothing) so that I can send my disk back to HiSoft. Also, is the USA version identical to the UK version of WERCS?? Or does that fact that I am using a USA version of TOS have anything to do with it? I have the same problems with both TOS 1.2 and TOS 1.4 (USA version again). Well, I do thank you !!!! . . . . -- Richard E. Covert, Lead Engineer of Software Tools Group AG Communications Systems, Phoenix AZ (602) - 581-4652 TCP/IP: covertr@gtephx UUCP: ?ncar!noao!asuvax | uunet!zardoz!hrc | att?!gtephx!covertr ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 30 Jan 90 08:39:16 -0900 From: Subject: INFO-ATARI16 Digest V90 #103 UNSUBSCRIBE INFO-ATARI16 Chris Hamman ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 31 Jan 90 01:10:24 SST From: "S.Sujarittanonta" Subject: INFO-ATARI16 Digest V90 #119 REF. Discovery Cartridge To. Matthew G. Hetman ( Sorry I send this mail to your address at ucbvax.Berkel ey.EDU but It bounced) Glad to know another Discovery Cart owner. I bought the Option 2 last yea. It came with Version 2.7 Utility Disk. When I saw Happy Computers Advertisement mention that ther new version can read Mac disk file by file and if used with Spectre 128 it can run Mac disk without conversion. I send Registration card in for upgrading since June 1989. I never receive any reply from them. Would you be so kind to enlighten me on few details below: 1. What is the latest version of Discovery Util software? How do you get your upgraded? 2. How to modify the cartridge to accept Spectre 128 cartridge? I beleive that the detail should be included with the new version software. ( I own both Spectre 128 and GCR but still curious to know how to make use of my 128 with Discovery Cart.) 3. Is the Happy Computers still exist? I can't find their advertisement in the recent magazine. Many thanks in advance. Suthipuntha AKISUJAR@NUSVM School of Architecture National University of Singapore ------------------------------ Date: 30 Jan 90 16:24:31 GMT From: sdcc6!sdcc10!cs161fca@ucsd.edu ( ) Subject: Metacomco, Lattice C and Cambridge LISP. Message-ID: <6756@sdcc6.ucsd.edu> In article <570054@otter.hpl.hp.com> gjh@otter.hpl.hp.com (Graham Higgins) writes: >As far as Lattice C goes, Lattice are a U.S. outfit, with whom a U.K. outfit >(HiSoft) have collaborated to produce a new version of Lattice (v5), marketed >in the U.K. by HiSoft themselves. >Hisoft are of the opinion that as Lattice is a U.S. operation, the U.S. side is >probably Lattice's province. I haven't any suggestions how one might track them >down. If there are difficulties, I could ask HiSoft if they would contact >Lattice to see if Lattice are prepared to reveal their U.S. address. Forget Lattice, which is a @#$% company which will not support the US ST market. Perhaps MichTron or Antic will be willing to be the distributor for (Hisoft) Lattice V 5. for the ST in the US market (Antic was once the distributor of Lattice Ver 3 in the US, and Michtron has distributed a Lattice-C compitable C intrepreter from HiSoft in the US.). ------------------------------ Date: 30 Jan 90 17:40:05 GMT From: usc!brutus.cs.uiuc.edu!ux1.cso.uiuc.edu!ux1.cso.uiuc.edu!m.cs.uiuc.edu!totty@uc sd.edu Subject: Need Hard Disk Wisdom Message-ID: <7500013@m.cs.uiuc.edu> Thanks for all the replies. I am not going to be able to get around to start working on this project for a month or so. But, when I do it, I will email a summary of what people have mailed to me and my experiences. --- Bri / Brian Totty o o /__ __ o 406 E. Michigan / Apt. 6 o / / / / Urbana, IL 61801 \_/ "We have corn in /__/ / / totty@cs.uiuc.edu Massachusetts too!" ------------------------------ Date: 30 Jan 90 10:03:05 GMT From: mcsun!ukc!edcastle!hwcs!neil@uunet.uu.net (Neil Forsyth) Subject: POOLFIX3.ARC - fix program for TOS 1.4, TOS 1.6 Message-ID: <4231@brahma.cs.hw.ac.uk> In article <2000@atari.UUCP> apratt@atari.UUCP (Allan Pratt) writes: >klute@heike.informatik.uni-dortmund.de (Rainer Klute) writes: >If you got a truncated version of POOLFIX3.PRG, please send me MAIL. >If you got a good version, don't send anything. I will mail it >to people who got the bad copy, unless it's a LOT of people. Naw! Post it Allan. We didn't even see the start of the file here. Thanks. >============================================ >Opinions expressed above do not necessarily -- Allan Pratt, Atari Corp. >reflect those of Atari Corp. or anyone else. ...ames!atari!apratt +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ ! DISCLAIMER: Unless otherwise stated, the above comments are entirely my own ! ! ! ! Neil Forsyth JANET: neil@uk.ac.hw.cs ! ! Dept. of Computer Science ARPA: neil@cs.hw.ac.uk ! ! Heriot-Watt University UUCP: ..!ukc!cs.hw.ac.uk!neil ! ! Edinburgh, Scotland, UK "spam spaM spAM sPAM SPAM, lovely SPAM" ! +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ ------------------------------ End of INFO-ATARI16 Digest V90 Issue #124 *****************************************